16/5 2024 — 1/9 2024
Curator Inke Arns and Andrea Popelka

Artists: Maha Maamoun • Suzanne Treister • Anton Vidokle • …

A joint exhibition of Kunsthalle Wien andWiener Festwochen

In the eighteenth century, the term “revolution” came to designate a “violent overthrow of the existing political and social order,” a meaning fixed by the French Revolution. Before that time, astronomers had long used it to describe the orbits of the celestial bodies.

This essayistic group exhibition is dedicated to works of art and artistic theories that connect the cosmos, and especially the sun – the most important provider of energy for life on earth – to social and political movements. In light of the decentering of the human being as the subject of history, we inquire into the extent to which not just the natural environment on our earth but, on a grander scale, even the universe contributes to historical processes. For instance, is there a linkage, as the Soviet cosmists asserted, between increased solar activity (more sunspots and solar winds) and revolutions on earth? And which speculative and eminently enjoyable reflections on such questions can be found in contemporary visual art and poetry?

In the selection of works by international artists, one focus is on the moving image – on cinema, film, and video as media of light. Yet works in other media likewise radiate hypnotic, feverish, glowing, menacing affects. The sun, broadly speaking, figures both as an abundant source of life and energy for political struggles and as a symbol of warning, its vast mass and lifespan contrasting with the brevity of human life on planet earth. Plus: what if it never sets or rises again and time is thrown out of joint even more than it already has been?

The program of events accompanying the exhibition follows a specific calendar based on the course of the sun.


Press Material

The provided press images may be used by the press free of charge, but only in the context of covering Kunsthalle Wien’s current exhibitions. Please make sure to mention the complete copyright attribution. The images must not be used for commercial purposes or shared with third parties.

Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017, credit: NASA/GSFC/SDO

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Suzanne Treister, The Escapist BHST (Black Hole Spacetime)/Museum of Black Hole Spacetime, 2018–2019, courtesy the artist, Annely Juda Fine Art, London and P.P.O.W. Gallery, New York

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Magnificent Coronal Mass Ejection Erupts on the Sun, August 31, 2012, credit: NASA/GSFC/SDO

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Anton Vidokle, The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun, 2015, video still, courtesy the artist

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