Come as You Are. Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2023

16/4 2024 — 16/6 2024
Curator Astrid Peterle

Assistant Curator: Hannah Marynissen

Artists: Željka Aleksić • Mila Balzhieva • Luisa Berghammer • Daniel Fonatti • Valentin Hämmerle • Jusun Lee • Michael Reindel • Marielena Stark • Anne Schmidt • Marc Truckenbrodt

In cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and the University of Applied Arts Vienna

The exhibition showcasing the winners of the Kunsthalle Wien Prize 2023 will gather ten artists that graduated last year from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna or the University of Applied Arts Vienna: Jusun Lee and Marielena Stark – winners of the first prizes – as well as Željka Aleksić, Mila Balzhieva, Luisa Berghammer, Daniel Fonatti, Valentin Hämmerle, Michael Reindel, Anne Schmidt, and Marc Truckenbrodt.

The exhibition is meant as an institutional amplifier for the artists and the various concerns they articulate in their works. The diversity of their creative perspectives and the forms they use – for the first time, graduates of the Graphic Art and Printmaking as well as Stage Design departments and the interdisciplinary program Art & Science are among the winners – is suggested by the show’s title. It invites both the artists and the public to engage in a shared reflection on the ambivalence of the contemporary world, as between our perpetual sense of urgency and our yearning for a slower life – or as Nirvana sang way back in 1991: “Take your time, hurry up.”